Expand Energy Suppliers
As a high-quality supplier, you are a critical partner in our work producing affordable, reliable, lower carbon energy. We are committed to a partnership built on trust, safety, ethics and fair practices.
Before we begin our work together, Expand Energy will evaluate your company’s safety and environmental record and financial performance. We will also confirm that you will uphold our Supplier Code of Conduct (including our Human Rights Policy), which sets expectations for how we work according to our company core values.
Invoice Transition and Training
Chesapeake Energy and Southwestern Energy are currently transitioning all work and suppliers over to Expand Energy systems effective April 1, 2025. We want you to be aware of four upcoming trainings, important dates and contacts. We strongly encourage you to attend one of these sessions. Your attendance will help ensure a smooth transition.
We realize some of you may be working for both companies today, and starting March 1, 2025, you will start billing Expand Energy. The legacy Chesapeake OpenInvoice will also be rebranded to Expand Energy on March 1, 2025.
Expand Energy requires the following information when submitting invoices:
- Invoice backup – Please attach as a PDF and include all pertaining backup documentation.
- Valid cost object – Expand requires a Cost Center, Workorder or WBS element.
- Purchase Order/PriceBook – If Expand personnel gives you a purchase order or a PriceBook, please bill against the PO or PriceBook in OpenInvoice.
Key contacts and dates:
- electronicinvoicing@expandenergy.com – Assistance submitting invoices in OpenInvoice (OI). Start billing Expand Energy beginning March 1, 2025 through the legacy CHK OpenInvoice instance.
- invoices@expandenergy.com – This is where you will submit invoices for processing if you are a supplier that does not submit directly into OI.
- supplierrelations@expandenergy.com – Inquiries on invoices submitted to Expand Energy
- PBA@expandenergy.com – Pricebook inquiries
- eticket@expandenergy.com – As of March 1, 2025, please start submitting all tickets to Expand on the legacy Chesapeake OpenInvoice instance.
Training dates and times:
To attend a meeting below, please contact Melody Black at melody.black@expandenergy.com to receive an invite.
Tuesday, January 28 at 2:00 p.m. Haynesville Field Office 1970 HWY 84 Mansfield, LA 71052 | Wednesday, February 5 at 1:00 p.m. Sayre Field Office 14 Chesapeake Ln. Sayre, PA 18840 |
Tuesday, February 25 at 2:00 p.m. Morgantown Field Office 355 Wharton Cir. Ste 235 Triadelphia, WV 26508 Wheeling Highlands | Tuesday, February 11 at 2:00 p.m. Virtual Training Session Microsoft Teams invite |
Chesapeake Suppliers

Southwestern Suppliers

Expand Energy Contracting / MSA
Unless and until otherwise notified in writing, the applicable master agreement governing work for Expand Energy, and its current and future subsidiaries and affiliates, (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Expand”) is as follows:
If you are a… | Then… |
Supplier with a CHK Master Agreement(1) and without a SWN Master Agreement(2) | Work for Expand Energy, will continue to be governed by the existing CHK Master Agreement.(1) |
Supplier with a SWN Master Agreement(2) but without a CHK Master Agreement(1) | Work for Expand Energy, will be subject to the SWN Master Agreement(2) until the transition to a Expand Energy Master Agreement is complete. |
Supplier with both a CHK Master Agreement and a SWN Master Agreement(2) | Except as otherwise communicated in a separate communication, all new work entered into after the date of this letter for Expand Energy, will be subject to the CHK Master Agreement(1). Existing work currently under contract under a SWN Master Agreement will continue until the expiration of the then applicable work order. |
(1) “CHK Master Agreement” means a valid and existing master agreement between your company and Chesapeake Operating, L.L.C., formerly known as Chesapeake Operating, Inc., or one or more of its affiliates and subsidiaries.
(2) “SWN Master Agreement” means a valid and existing master agreement between your company and SWN Production Company, LLC or one or more of its affiliates and subsidiaries.
Company Contact Information
Chesapeake Operating, LLC (COLLC)
Ph: 877-245-1427
Fax: 405-849-0004
P.O. Box 548806
Oklahoma City, OK 73154
Southwestern Energy
Compass Manufacturing
Ph: 405-935-0003
Fax: 405-935-0003
P.O. Box 18918
Oklahoma City, OK 73154
Chesapeake Energy Marketing, LLC (CEMLLC)
Ph: 877-245-1427
Fax: 405-849-0004
P.O. Box 548806
Oklahoma City, OK 73154
Supplier Diversity Program
Our Supplier Diversity Program works to increase the number of diverse suppliers hired by Expand Energy and to encourage the availability of a healthy and diverse supplier base to support our business. Aligned with our core values, this effort supports our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitment by providing opportunities for minority-owned businesses to compete and secure opportunities with Expand Energy.
Ethics and Integrity Helpline
You may report your concerns regarding unethical, illegal, unsafe or questionable activities on a confidential basis by calling the Expand Energy Ethics and Integrity Hotline at 866-291-3401 or reporting online at expandethics.com.